There are so many exciting things from Wendy Tunison Designs to tell you about today! Let's get right to it! The Featured Designer Grab Bag has been unpacked and you can now pick up each piece individually! This & That Save The Date In A Letter Temptations Vol 2
And on top of that, she's got 4 awesome new releases for you this week too! Tickle The Earth
Check out what our ct did with this kit!
Extreme Chipboard
And a few more lovely pages from our CT... I Was Framed
and last but not least, In A Mood
Don't forget to stop in at the SNP forum to play in the Featured Designer Challenges and back at Wendy's blog on Friday to pick up some beautiful ct freebies from Tickle The Earth! And don't forget that Wendy's entire store is 40% off through the end of the month!
Here is the freebie I made for you
I'm so excited to tell you that Wendy Tunison Designs is the featured designer for the next two weeks at SNP! She has some fun in store for you and I hope you'll have fun playing along with the challenges!
She also made this awesome grab bag for you! It's only available for 1 week so grab it while it's all bundled up and 50% off! After that, she'll unpack it and each piece will be available separately at full price.
Just take a look at the awesomeness our CT made with this grab bag! They blew me away!
Stop back by Wendy's blog Friday for some CT goodies!
She may have another goodie up her sleeve for next week but you'll have to wait and see!
Oh my gosh! I have so much to tell you about today so let's get right to it! First of all Wendy Tunison Designs has released her newest kit in the Simplicity series of kits and it's all about the purple! Simply Purple has such a beautiful feel to it and I know you're going to love it! It's on sale for 50% off through the weekend!
Wendy also made up a set of 4 alphas that will coordinate with all of the Simplicity Kits! They'll be 50% off through the weekend as well!
Take a look at what our ct did with these two...
Wendy has also bundled up her Bits N' Pieces kit into a full sized kit. You can grab One Small Step for 50% off through the weekend too!
If you missed the speed scrap during her birthday week celebration, you can now pick up part 2 of For Peep's Sake in the store!
And to top it all off, Wendy and Keystone Scraps put together a Quick Page set for you with their collab World Traveler! She's got them on special for 50% off through the weekend along with everything else.
Wendy will also be hosting a speed scrap on her facebook fan page on Saturday night at 7pm MST if you'd like to join us!
Don't forget to stop back to Wendy's blog on Friday for the awesome freebies our CT have made for you with Simply Purple!